
Dear Reader,

Thank you for visiting our brand new site, and for supporting the mission of the Trinacria Theatre Company. We are so pleased to announce our company's grand opening, and the start of what is sure to be a wonderful journey.

We have already received such a tremendously positive response from our communities. Less than 24 hours after officially launching our Facebook page, we accumulated more than 100 likes and followers. Our Sicilian hosts, the Enoteca Provinciale at San Placido Calonerò, have been gracious and enthusiastic about our upcoming residency. Interest in this project is growing, and we hope the energy will only continue to spread.

Over the course of the next month, we plan to announce audition opportunities in both Boston and New York City for interested performers and theatre makers, and soon afterward we look forward to introducing you, our visitors and supporters, to the company members. We also will be announcing a summer performance schedule in both Sicily and the United States.

Soon, we will be officially launching our IndieGogo campaign, as we work toward raising the amount required to make this company a success in its first year of operation. Our funding goal is to raise at least $15,000 through our IndieGogo and $24,000 overall to support our first season. If you believe in our work, we hope you will consider making a donation to help us to fulfill our mission of creating a cultural and artistic landscape to honor the beautiful heritage of the Sicilian people. We also will be reaching out to local foundations and organizations that can help us achieve our fundraising goals. If you or anyone you know can put us in contact with organizations that you believe will support our company's mission, please contact us at info@trinacriatheatre.com. We'd love to hear from you!

If you have not yet done so, please check out the links at the bottom of the page to like us on Facebook, join our mailing list, or just contact us if you would like to learn more. We'd love to hear from you!

This is the start of something beautiful. Thank you for being here.


Meet our company!