A Message from the Artistic Director

Dear friends and followers,

Almost two years ago, on a summer day in Sicily so hot it felt like my mind was melting, an idea struck me. Maybe it was the heat, or maybe it is the kind of magical inspiration that lies hidden and proud in the Sicilian mountainsides, but I was suddenly hit by an realization--one that felt so very obvious, I wondered why I'd never had it before. My heart had always called two places home: Sicily, and the theatre. I had always believed that the arts could have a tremendous impact on a community, and that there was no community more beautiful or deserving of artistic attention than the villages of Southern Messina, the part of the world I am proud to call home. On that day, I saw how I could bring the two worlds into contact. That seed of an idea took hold, and it just kept growing.

After two years of talking and planning with people all over the world, I am so excited and proud to write to you today as the Artistic Director of the Trinacria Theatre Company. I have a group of 7 of the most talented individuals I have ever met standing behind me, and our plans are falling into place, crystallizing from the daydream of that hot and hazy summer day two years ago into a real and present reality. This summer, we set sail into uncharted waters as the Trinacria Theatre Company takes her maiden voyage. This work will be brand new, bold, and in many ways a daring adventure. But we have received so much love and support from people on both sides of the ocean, pushing us forward to take this leap, that we know we will land on our feet.

We still haven't made it yet, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $16,000 in the next 2 months to make this summer the tremendous success that it is already shaping up to be. That's a lot of money and not much time, but we are confident that with your help, we can make it happen. Your donation helps our company provide the following:

  • Housing at S. Placido Cuppari Agricultural High School for our performers - best of all, our rental of this space goes to benefit a local school, which honors Sicilian traditions by teaching local dialect, training future leaders in Sicilian agriculture (the island's primary economic basis), and promoting Sicilian gastronomy and history with the Enoteca (wine cellar and wine production museum)
  • Our meals while in Sicily, which will be purchased from local sources as often as possible
  • Transportation for company members while in Sicily, so that we can tour our performance to different villages in Southern Messina
  • Production costs for our performances in both the US and Italy, such as basic costumes, sets, other materials
  • Rental fees for rehearsals and performances in both the US and Italy
  • Legal fees, insurance, incorporation, and other company overhead

None of this will be possible without your generosity--and every lira counts! Our company is gaining great traction and we are making huge strides towards making a difference, but we can't do it without you. 

Click below to see our Indiegogo page, watch our campaign video, and give to our first year.

Two years ago, I could not imagine writing this letter. But I am so grateful for this opportunity to speak to you from my heart, and ask you to stand by my side. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can make beautiful art. Thank you for being a part of our journey.



Mariagrazia LaFauci

Artistic Director


USA Performance Tour Schedule Annnounced


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